Now, after success with the recipes which include lots of ice cream shakes, sour cream, and extra butter on his toast, he has gained 3 pounds since we started at the beginning of January! We are so thrilled! Santi knows he has to be diligent with his eating. The girls set a timer to let us all know it’s time for his snack. He eats 3 regular meals throughout the day, but also 3 extra large snacks in between. His favorite is peanut butter spoons!
We continue to watch him for signs of pain as he doesn’t ever tell us when he’s hurting. Usually after a long, strenuous day of activity, we know to give him a Motrin tablet to relieve the pain and discomfort in his back. It helps him to rest easy. Long walks or long play times are getting harder for him.
- Please continue to pray for Santi as he deals with increased curvature and consequently more pain.
- Pray for the doctors and nurses that will perform the surgery that their hands will move with surety and gentleness.
- Pray that his spinal cord will be protected during the surgery and even afterwards preventing any nerve damage, which is a great concern.
Thank you again and God bless each of you as we hear of your love and faith in Jesus; for continuing to bring us refreshment through your prayer and loving concern for us.