Santi looking at a gift some Shands volunteers gave him
11:13 am
Cilicia and Santi and talking together on the phone right now. Maybe, once Santi get's to take a ride in his new wheelchair, he can go see Cilicia!
I'll post pictures later of his new wheelchair. For now he is resting as his neck is especially painful as it is being stretched. He is also on his back, which is very different for him as he felt more comfortable on his side, due to his back. Keep praying as everything is starting to feel sore. It's just another chapter in the Santi book. =)
Thanks for the comments that were left...I read them to Santi this morning and read them to Cilicia about 3 in the morning after a nurse had come in. You thoughts and prayers are a great encouragement to them.
I'm SO glad to hear that both of you are doing well! I've been praying... Anita, thanks for keeping the blog updated.
The Lord is good =)
I love you all,
Anita, How long do you think y'all will be at Shands? You're in our prays.....Katie
I'm glad things are going well! :-) Praise the Lord!!
Santi, I love your glasses! Very in style right now...=)
Hang in there Sancho-panza!(knickname)
Love you to the moon and and back,
Hi Santi,
Hope you feel better really soon!
Santi, Cilicia, and the Huron family,
We are so glad that both surgeries went well.
Thanks for all the pictures and the updates.
Still praying...
We love you.....
The Jalbert family
Hi Santi,
This is Emma. I wish I could be there with you. I hope you feel better. I love You.
Hi Santi,
This is Cami. I'm glad the surgery went well. I hope you had fun with your toy truck. I hope you get well soon.
The Twins
Hi Cilicia,
I'm glad your surgery went well. It's sounds like you are resting well now. I'm sure you will be feeling much better very soon. God is good.
Mr. Fordham
Dear Santi and Cilicia,
I have been thinking and praying for both of you. I hope you are both doing well. I will continue to pray for both of you.
Nathan Fordham
P.S. Those crackers look good Santi!!!
Hey Cilicia and Santi,
I've been praying for you both! Glad to know you are both recovering and doing well. =)
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