Behold, I send an angel before thee, to keep thee in the way, and to bring thee into the place which I have prepared. Exodus 23:20
Thank you all so much for is the day we've been waiting for. My friend Ginger called me the other day with this special verse. Isn't it amazing? The three of us had a very good night's sleep at the Ronald McDonald House and we were very blessed to have been able to get in there...there was one vacancy! We were at the surgery dock at 6:00am sharp and Santi was called right in. Dr. Hanff and Dr. Woo came to see him as well as many others...Santi is the star of the orthopedic day...... We are thankful for Santi's good and calm spirit...very sweet. He was rubbing my back while we were in the waiting dock...what a sweet boy. Prep time took quite a while, but Doug, Santi's veteran nurse, called me here in the waiting area and told me that the incision was made at 10:10 am. Please continue to pray for the hands of all the doctors and nurses; the orthopedic team, the nerve team, and the anesthesiologist team. Santi's Angel is there before him, in the way God has prepared....we cannot ask for more than that! Stay with us for more updates as I get them...... Ana
Times like these we realize how wonderful it is to have email and internet. Thanx for the updates.
We are continually lifting you up in prayer Santi. We love you! Can't wait to see you!!!
Mrs. Ivie
We have been praying so hard for you all. The Huron family is so precious to us. Little Santi is so brave and such an inspiration. Praying for strength and courage to get you through this day. We love you all and are waiting anxiously to hear from you.
Love to you all
David Christy Valerie and Jacob Shelton
We are praying.
Teri M.
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