Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Boston Comes to Florida

Getting ready for a new cast...

Is Spring already here? It's hard to believe that orange blossoms are already scenting the whole state of Florida and that everyone's air conditioners are humming away. Actually, we are still hoping to get one more bonfire in before Summer. We have a nice stack of brush and wood to burn in the back yard...a perfect opportunity for some marshmallows and chocolate?

It seems that so much has happened over the last couple of months, and we have been skipping the blog updates. In part, this is good as Santi has been doing GREAT and there hasn't been "breaking news" to share, but as Christians we know there is always something to share that will edify others as the Lord constantly blesses and provides. So, here are some pictures and an update about Santi's new brace!

Dr. appointment...

Stretching before casting

Santi went to Gainesville Prosthetics last month and was fitted for a brace that will help him stand up straighter and mainly to remind him to keep good posture. The brace is called a Boston Brace. Santi has had a few different braces over the years, but so far this brace, with the radical surgery he had seven months ago, really seems to be helping. We are so excited! We can't say enough about DeAnna Clough who fitted Santi for his new set of armor and Paul Prusakowski who made sure it was made just right and fit nicely. Everyone has been so kind and encouraging.

Plan of action

Being fitted for the Boston Brace...

DeAnna and Santi with his muscle man cast...

As you will see, the brace isn't all that comfortable looking, but Santi is a trooper and wears the brace off and on throughout the day. He doesn't wear it when he eats as he needs all the stomach room he can get! Just as a side note: for those who have been praying about his eating, he is doing the best in years, and finishing his whole plate is a piece of cake....did I say, AND a piece of cake?....yah...that too. =) Vanilla with sprinkles.

DeAnna, a wonderful blessing...

The real thing...

Santi is enjoying school....especially history class with Alexis. Anything with dates is up Santi's alley! He has such a memory and worked hard to memorize over 15 facts about President Abraham Lincoln. Now, it's on to George Washington Carver. It's so wonderful that Santi can just keep going as he does...the Lord's grace is abounding.


Dad, Santi, Pete and Jon-Michael

Santi wearing his brace...


The Pollock Family said...

What wonderful news. Wow, keep up the good eating habits Santi. He's such a trouper, isn't he? Most of us have never gone through what he has in his young life, so far, but he always has a smile on his face. Your a blessing Santi and such a witness for Christ.

We pray all is well with the rest of the family. It sounds like it is.

Love Always,
Mrs. Pollock

Anonymous said...

YAY SANTI... you're doing so well, and I'm soooo proud of you!!

Anita, the blog looks beautiful =)

~Heather <3