Thursday, August 28, 2008

Watch Santi's Homecoming!

When Santi came home three days ago, our sweet friends who own IVLMedia, called and asked if they could run over and film Santi coming home. =) With just five minutes to spare,they had their cameras set up and were able to catch Dad and Mom pulling in the drive way! The Ivies, posted this clip on their blog and said we could share with you as well!

Thank you Ivie family! What a wonderful memory of God's goodness and faithfulness...

Monday, August 25, 2008

Let the Celebration Begin!

Dad and Mom...we thank the Lord for you!

This morning Santi's discharge papers were signed!
Santi is HOME!

All worked hard to get the house ready. Besides the usual cleaning for a hospital man, everyone wanted to have a hand in making the living room, santi's room for the present, as cheerful as possible! With a big poster stretched across the fireplace and a bed with bright pillows, we know Santi was happy and pleased. He walked into the house, (very slowly of course) and enjoyed all the bright colors and all the fuss!
Thank you to all that prayed, called and left comments for Santi during his stay at Shands. It has been such a blessing, and we ask that you would continue to keep him, and our family, in your prayers as we are on this road to recovery.

Santi on the phone telling us his good news

Dr. Hanff with Santi before he was discharged

Ready to Go!

Everyone colored scripture verses so Santi can read them while in bed.

Everyone worked hard on this colorful, creative, big and full of love, poster.

Santi happily talking from his bed in the living room.

Some paper flowers Cilicia, Olivia and Treasure made for some extra party cheer!

Sunday, August 24, 2008

The Shuffle of Brothers and Sisters

We did another "shift change" yesterday, and Olivia and I came home with Josh and Cilicia, who brought Mom back to Shands for the weekend. I write this, not to brag or sound stuffy, but Santi really loves all of us brothers and sisters and to see a couple of new faces is just like having ice cream. We can't wait 'till we can all be together again!

With Santi being away, everything changes....even grocery shopping. We would go down the isle and reach to get an extra box of cream cheese or granola bars and then think, oh yah...we're not cooking for him this week! All of us children work together and help one another with what has to be done in a day, and it's amazing what kind of routine one can get into over time and how you will have little, "glitches" or "oh, yah" moment, when one person is gone!

Santi is definitely apart of us, and us him. Some people ask, "doesn't someone get lost in the shuffle of a big family?" How can they, when so many are around?! Just a little food for thought...=)



Santi and Josh playing around...!

There's nothing like spending a few days

together in the hospital...

Santi loves his sisters!

Friday, August 22, 2008

The Blustery Day!

"And He took him by the right hand, and lifted him up: and immediately his feet and ankle bones received strength. And he leaping up stood, and walked, and entered with them into the temple, walking, and leaping, and praising God. And all the people saw him walking and praising God." -Acts 3:7-8

We are so excited about Santi walking today! We posted quite a few pictures of him...we're just so proud of him! Here is a portion of a letter Anita sent home today...

"Besides the storm raging outside the hospital walls, the biggest news is that Daddy took a nap! =) Olivia and I were Santi's little nurses for at least 4 hours. We drank coffee...not half as good as home.....watched Winnie the Pooh (The Blustery Day =) and ate blueberry muffins. I asked for some no-rinse shampoo and "washed" Santi's hair. That was interesting! Santi was all worried about getting the soap on his pillow, but we finally convinced him that a good smelling head was more important. =)

Santi was so excited about walking. He actually went around the hospital loop two times today (different times). His therapist, a really kind man, was totally floored that he had walked so much. I showed him the video clip to prove it.....he was pretty impressed. Everyone is saying that Monday is probably THE DAY.....I hope so. Well, must get back downstairs as Daddy is waiting for us."

Anita from Shands

Day 4- Post-Op

Where the Air is Still

We are now at Day 4 post-op and Santi continues to do well! Storm Fay is still battering the area, but everyone is safe. Santi took some steps today with a walker! We are thrilled with his progress….again, the prayers of the saints have borne him up and for this, we are thankful and grateful….

I am re-reading a favorite book called “Climbing” by Rosalind Goforth. If you have never read the Goforth’s story, I urge you to obtain a copy and read it. Mrs. Goforth has written her thoughts in “Climbing” and also in “How I Know God Answers Prayer”. Here is a portion of a poem she includes in the book:

“Call back, and tell that He went with you into the storm;
Call back and say He kept you when the forest’s roots were torn;
That when the heavens thundered and the earthquake shook the hill,
He bore you up and held you where the very air was still.” -Author Unknown

Have you even been where the very air was still? God’s grace carries us there. Today we heard the news of a Christian family who lost their 15 year old son, Kyle, when he was struck by a vehicle while on his bicycle. His brain was damaged severely and he eventually died, but not before his organs went out to four others! His heart will go to a young girl who desperately needed a heart transplant. This is all we know, but I would like to ask you to pray for the family who is deep in grief.

If Santi continues to do well with his walking practice, the doctors may release him to come home on Monday! Please pray for the health of some of the children here at home; we wouldn’t want Santi to contract a cold at all.
Much love to all,

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Fay from a Window

Tropical Storm Fay as it passes over Florida

Anita sent us this picture of weather resulting from the storm, Fay as it's passing over Gainsville.

Santi Has Visitors!

Today Santi enjoyed a visit from Jeremy, Joshua, and Jo-hanna along with their mother, Mrs. Ginger Schmidt. Thank you for helping make Santi's stay in the hospital a cheerful one!

A time of prayer...

A Phone Call for Santi

Last night we were on our way, driving to Wednesday night church when we received a call from a little boy at Shands! He had a request...Santi, knowing we were going to church and wanting to be there, called and asked if we could sing his favorite song, even though he wouldn't be there to sing it.

Later on when the hymn, "Victory in Jesus" was turned to, Olivia slipped out of the pew to make a phone call...this was Santi's hymn! As we sang the last note, a small voice could be heard, excited to know that he could join us for his song after all. One little boy's night was made special...yup, a phone call for Santi!

Daddy holding the phone for Santi, while Mom grabbed the camera.

Thank you for all the prayer that is going up to the Lord for little Santi! He may still look swollen and not "Santi-ish" but really, we are so encouraged to know how well he's doing.

"I heard about his healing, of His cleansing power revealing, how He made the lame to walk again and caused the blind to see; and then I cried, "Dear Jesus, come and heal my broken spirit," And somehow Jesus came and brought to me the victory.

O victory in Jesus, my Savior, forever! He sought me and bought with His redeeming blood; He loved me ere I knew Him, and all my love is due Him. He plunged me to victory beneath the cleansing flood." -Victory In Jesus

The Early Switch- Day 3

An early morning visit from Santi's three doctors and nurse

Good Afternoon!

This morning Mom and Daddy came home, and Anita and Olivia joined Daddy for an early surprise for Santi! Anita wrote a letter home from the hospital, so here is a little excerpt...

"Olivia and I are here in the Ronald McDonald room. Santi is doing fine, just a little tired as he didn't have a good nights sleep. He already sat up this morning to eat a little breakfast, but is now sleeping before they come to do an x-ray of him sitting up.

Daddy went in his room this morning and said he had a surprise for know how Santi is about surprises! =) Then, Olivia and I came around the corner. =) It was fun.

Antia and Santi

Olivia and Santi

Santi is definitely feeling sore today, but he's so good about sitting up when he's supposed to. I know it's hard for him."

Treasure also talked with Santi this morning, and was in an animated conversation with him about...pancakes and sausage...that's Santi!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Day 2- Big and Tall

Daddy and Santi practicing standing.

Ben Maxson and Matt Schmidt visiting from work with lots of presents! Thank you Schmidts, Maxsons, and Maynards!

Will we have to start buying in the Big and Tall department for Santi? Hope so.....Santi is sporting a loooonnnngg 16 inch incision and the bandage came completely off today.

Santi also stood today briefly and had many probes and catheters removed....that's always a good thing! The real day-brightener came when Santi received a visit from Matt Schmidt and Ben Maxson...they brought special presents from their families and OH how he enjoyed each and every item. Thank you so much! It is the end of a very good and very eventful day. Many comments from the doctors and nurses indicate that Santi is progressing at a faster pace than expected....we truly credit the prayers of God's people for that.

With much love to all,
Ana from Shands

Dr. Hanff removing the epidural catheter!

Our sweet Nurse Pam. She's been terrific!

Now unto Him that is able to keep you from falling, and to present you faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy, To the only wise God our Saviour, be glory and magesty, dominioun and power, both now and ever. Amen. Jude 15:24-25

Therapy With Daddy

Therapy with Daddy Day 2

Post-operative is going very well so far! Santiago and I are continuing to have good nights of restful sleep. Santi is doing pretty much the same as yesterday. He's sleeping a lot due to the medications for pain and the whole recovery process.

Yesterday, Santi had a therapy session in which he gets in a special chair to attempt to sit up. He sat in a semi-recline for about one hour. Santiago got very involved in the whole process as you can see...."Oh, we don't get many Daddies who get this involved with our therapy sessions!"

Santi had some solid breakfast this morning, too! Hurray....eggs, biscuit, and lots of juice.

Love to all....Ana

Singing in the Morning

"My voice shalt thou hear in the morning, O Lord; in the morning will I direct my prayer unto thee, and will look up."
Good Morning!

This morning we all gathered in one of the bedrooms and had a group talk with Santi! He wanted to talk with everyone of us...even insisted on talking with Peter who was still sleeping. At one moment in the conversation Santi asked us to sing a song...we agreed to sing, "What do you want us to sing Santi?"...his confident answer was, "Victory in Jesus!" We all tried clearing our morning voices, and surly tried our best!

Santi had a good night last night. Mama and Daddy look forward to Santi having a better day today. Yesterday they ended up moving him again to a different floor with more care.

We will try getting some pictures from mama when she can find some time to get away!

Thank you for praying for Santi,

-The Huron Children

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Got Jello?

This is a quick post letting all of you know Santi ate Jello this afternoon! For some, this may seem small, but this is so encouraging for us! Santi has been soo sleepy today, so for him to wake up and eat TWO Jello cups...that was huge.

Also, Santi is now out of the intensive care. He is on the 4th floor. He had to sit up for an hour today, and that was hard on him. He is very sore and being moved (no walking) is painful. The main reason the Dr.'s wanted him to sit up, was to help his lungs. Please pray for him during this time! He is a trooper, but he still needs comfort and strength.

We can't thank you enough for the support and prayers that have gone up on our behalf these last few days. Many of you have posted Santi on your blog so that others could pray...this is so thoughtful and a true blessing.


Meekness is not Weakness

Dear Friends and Family,

I thought I'd post a journal of sorts to give you an idea of life here at Shands PICU (Pediatric Intentsive Care Unit).

Day 1 Meekness is Not Weakness

A lexicon I consulted recently defined "meekness" as "gentle strength". That sure is a lot to think about. As I meditated on that further, I thought about Jesus as he faced the throng just after leaving his prayer time in the garden. It was happening...the beginning of the end. He could have called in a huge force of angels to deliver Him. It could have been over in an instant. But Jesus knew that the events about to happen needed to happen that scripture would be fulfilled. For Jesus to KNOW His place and Who He was (Almighty God) and yet walk through a very dark place for you and me is meekness. Not weakness.

The PICU at Shands can be a dark place, both physically and spiritually. The cries of children can be heard in the halls, little ones with no hair shuffle around with their "chemo poles", parents give verbal run downs of "meds" their child takes, equipment sounds alarms of varying degrees and volume, nurses talk in "nurse-ese": meds, peds, stats, pulse-ox, vitals......foreign language that quickly becomes a parent's language as well. We learn to speak this fluently and learn to listen carefully for more. Alertness is necessary. This morning is Santi's first day post-op. He is doing great! He spoke to his nice nurse, Callie, last night in the dark after asking about Mama and Daddy. Callie explained that Mama and Daddy needed to get some sleep. He completely understood after he asked the time. Santi is very time conscious and so when Callie replied "3:30. Are you allowed to stay up this late, Santi?" He replied, "Oh, no, ma'am!!" His spine is amazingly straight. I'll try to get a picture of it soon. He is swollen from the anesthesia as you can see, but that should soon subside. He is on pain medication and moving hurts...understandably so. I help the nurse move him from side to side periodically. He doesn't like to move, but he must and in about 30 minutes, Santi will be required to attempt a sit in a chair! I can't imagine....this is meekness...gentle strength. His color is good, he's talking and saying he's hungry! Doctors are OK with that and may give him some food this afternoon along with a move from ICU to the regular floor. Wow. Thank you all for praying for our boy. He's a toughie.

More on Day 1 a little later.............. Ana

Mama with Santi

Mr Fordham with Santi

Heather talking to Santi

Santi with Heather and Mrs. Fordham

Twins Cami and Emma with Santi

Monday, August 18, 2008

Santi out of Surgery!

It is now 10:53 and Santi is out of surgery!

Mom and Daddy were able to see him a few minutes ago. Santi was very swollen and groggy but was asking for them the moment he woke up. His first words to Daddy were, "I got my halo off!".

The Lord truly answered the prayers of those of you who were praying for the doctors hands these last few hours. Our parents were saying that at one point the doctors were almost done, stitching the last stitches when the nerve team was alerted that Santi had lost feeling in his legs. Dr. Woo had to quickly take the stitches out to reach the spinal cord...this happened three times. God is good and at this point Santi is doing great and doctors will of course be monitoring him closely.

For the next seven months Santi will have to be careful, in particular to a small section on his spine where the spinal cord will be extra sensitive to pressure.

Santi is 50% straighter. Mom said it looked to her to be more like 80% straighter! Dr. Woo is very pleased with the outcome.

Santi did have to have two units of blood, but the second was more of a precautionary measure than a needed one. We are so thankful!

Mom and Daddy are really tired tonight, really happy and pleased, but tired. Pray that they will get much needed sleep.

We will Lord willing be able to give an update tomorrow of how Santi is doing.

Thank you for praying.

Still Waiting...

Daddy called a few minutes ago and the news is, "still waiting..." Hours have ticked by and I guess as the time comes closer to the end, we all get jittery and anxious...

Here's a verse from Psalm we find comforting...
"As for God, His way is perfect: the word of the Lord is tried: He is a buckler to all those that trust in Him." Psalm 18:30

God is good. Keep praying!
Cilicia for all the Hurons

Praise Report

When mom called a few hours ago, she mentioned that Santi has only needed one unit of blood so far. Last surgery, he needed two. This is such good news!

Thank you for praying...I know the Lord is answering prayer.

Hello everyone...

We have had tech difficulties here at home, and have just been able to get the internet back up and running.

Thanks to all of you that have called and e-mailed letting us know you are praying!

Santi is well, and still in surgery. It is 7:21pm now, and we are eagerly awaiting a call from our parents.

Mom has been e-mailing us off and on today, and we thought we'd share a little from her letters.

"Doug, the RN, finally called about 30 minutes ago, (my stomach was in knots) and told us that Santi's vital signs are great, he's holding up really well. The screws are all in place and now they are in the process of applying the Nova Bone and beginning the fusion process. The very last thing they will do will be to remove the halo. They decided to keep it in place during the surgery to keep his head stable...very good idea!
I get the idea that everything is going well, but slowly. This morning Dr. Woo anticipated a shorter than 13 hour surgery....he really had hoped to be done by 3:00, but I see that now, that will not happen. I almost wish he had not said ANYTHING about his hopes, then MY hopes would not be disturbed. As I write that, I am convicted that my hope needs to be completely in Him and not in the doctor's words. I need to give them BACK the full 13 hours that was originally in place. The nerve team may be taking their time with Santi, which we understood to be very important. They have to slow things down for the nerves so...... Doug mentioned maybe 5 more hours, which would be about 7:00, but as I just in the Lord.
This is why I didn't want anything said about the shorter time.......
Daddy is making popcorn and the volunteer just made a fresh pot of coffee. Can you smell this?? Oh yuck."

Will keep you posted,

Santi's Angel

Santi yesterday afternoon

Behold, I send an angel before thee, to keep thee in the way, and to bring thee into the place which I have prepared. Exodus 23:20

Thank you all so much for is the day we've been waiting for. My friend Ginger called me the other day with this special verse. Isn't it amazing? The three of us had a very good night's sleep at the Ronald McDonald House and we were very blessed to have been able to get in there...there was one vacancy! We were at the surgery dock at 6:00am sharp and Santi was called right in. Dr. Hanff and Dr. Woo came to see him as well as many others...Santi is the star of the orthopedic day...... We are thankful for Santi's good and calm spirit...very sweet. He was rubbing my back while we were in the waiting dock...what a sweet boy. Prep time took quite a while, but Doug, Santi's veteran nurse, called me here in the waiting area and told me that the incision was made at 10:10 am. Please continue to pray for the hands of all the doctors and nurses; the orthopedic team, the nerve team, and the anesthesiologist team. Santi's Angel is there before him, in the way God has prepared....we cannot ask for more than that! Stay with us for more updates as I get them...... Ana

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Jesus is the Light

The big day is almost here. Santi is scheduled to have surgery tomorrow morning. He has to check in at 6am, although surgery will probably be a couple of hours later. Please pray for Santi and our whole family as we wait the 13 hour surgery process.

The Lord answered prayer, and my parents were able to secure a room at the Ronald McDonald House in Gainesville today! So many things had to be approved for this stay, and we are so grateful that a room was open, and that Santi's case qualified my parents a place to rest over the next 10 days or so. We didn't know until today if the Ronald McDonald House was going to go through, so what a blessing this was! My parents only have to travel about one mile by trolley to Shands.

Ronald McDonald House if full of parents caring for their needy children at Shands. Mom said that staying their has a way of putting things into perspective, because she always meets someone that seems to have it harder or more challenging than our family.

Again, please pray as tomorrow is such a monumental day for Santi and our family. As goodbye's were being said and hugs given all around this evening, we asked Santi, "What's the word?!" and he said, "Jesus is the Light!". This is Santi's motto...may it be for the rest of us as well.

We will try to keep you posted as the day progresses...

Good Night.

Don't forget, "Jesus is the Light"!


Thursday, August 14, 2008

Happy Birthday Cilicia and Alexis!

Happy Birthday Cilicia and Alexis!!
Today Santi had his last doctors appointment before surgery on Monday. We're all very excited to know how well Santi has done these last few weeks of traction. We're all gearing up for the big day! Santi was up bright and early...but not too early to make sure we didn't start partying without him!!
Happy Birthday Cilicia!

Happy Birthday Alexis!

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

And Whatsoever We Ask

“And whatsoever we ask, we receive of him, because we keep his commandments, and do those things that are pleasing in his sight.”
I John 4:22

Today, Santi, his Daddy and I went to Gainesville for yet another of our weekly visits with Dr. Woo. It was a very good day. The sunshine, the fluffy white clouds, time to talk and pray….all blessings not to be taken for granted. I never consciously asked for these things, and yet God chose to give them to us……
Santi has gained yet another ounce and has been steadily gaining centimeters in height! We are so thankful! Dr. Woo is very pleased with the stretching and lengthening happening in Santi’s spine, which is proof that the traction is working. We met Dr. Mercado today…she is a resident shadowing Dr. Woo today and is pictured here with Santi.

It was interesting to hear Dr. Woo “test” her on what he was doing. We also chatted with James, a cast tech, who made us feel at ease with his fun personality and relaxing way with Santi.

We are consistent with Santi’s traction even when I “feel” like giving him a break out of his chair. The only times Santi is out of his wheelchair is to bathe and go to the bathroom; he is out of it during the night for sleep, but we put the weights on his halo even during his sleep. He is carrying 22 pounds now….can you imagine? He hasn’t complained or wished it could be over….I am not exaggerating this at all.
We are now counting down the days until surgery…..13 more days. Dr. Woo says he is mentally preparing himself for the big day. I’m sure I cannot even begin to understand what is in his mind, but we pray that God will give him wisdom in all his thoughts and that He will guide his hands during the 13 hour procedure.
I believe that gratefulness and the giving of thanks is pleasing to the Lord. May we continue to do just that……………
Love to all,

Monday, August 4, 2008

Happy Birthday, Samuel!

Our little Samuel is three today!

Samuel requested chocolate cake,
chocolate icing and chocolate ice cream. One sister
couldn't resist adding a few more colors
when she found this little hut and tree at a
local store in town. =)

Samuel all excited about Santi's gift...a bug kit, complete with bug net!

Can't go with out Santi's song!