Monday, August 18, 2008

Hello everyone...

We have had tech difficulties here at home, and have just been able to get the internet back up and running.

Thanks to all of you that have called and e-mailed letting us know you are praying!

Santi is well, and still in surgery. It is 7:21pm now, and we are eagerly awaiting a call from our parents.

Mom has been e-mailing us off and on today, and we thought we'd share a little from her letters.

"Doug, the RN, finally called about 30 minutes ago, (my stomach was in knots) and told us that Santi's vital signs are great, he's holding up really well. The screws are all in place and now they are in the process of applying the Nova Bone and beginning the fusion process. The very last thing they will do will be to remove the halo. They decided to keep it in place during the surgery to keep his head stable...very good idea!
I get the idea that everything is going well, but slowly. This morning Dr. Woo anticipated a shorter than 13 hour surgery....he really had hoped to be done by 3:00, but I see that now, that will not happen. I almost wish he had not said ANYTHING about his hopes, then MY hopes would not be disturbed. As I write that, I am convicted that my hope needs to be completely in Him and not in the doctor's words. I need to give them BACK the full 13 hours that was originally in place. The nerve team may be taking their time with Santi, which we understood to be very important. They have to slow things down for the nerves so...... Doug mentioned maybe 5 more hours, which would be about 7:00, but as I just in the Lord.
This is why I didn't want anything said about the shorter time.......
Daddy is making popcorn and the volunteer just made a fresh pot of coffee. Can you smell this?? Oh yuck."

Will keep you posted,

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